
How to Take Care of a Fighting Chicken How to Take Care of a Fighting Chicken

Discussion About How to Take Care of a Fighting Chicken If the fighting chickens have agility and are also agile, surely the fighting chickens will be very difficult to be conquered by their opponents when fighting in the cockfight arena. Fighting chickens like this are fighting chickens that are required to have a strong mentality and are not afraid to die.

To create agile and agile cocks, they must go through specific training exercises provided by the owner of the fighting cocks. munking for senior cockfighting master masters already understand how to create agile and agile fighting cocks when fighting.

But things like that will certainly not be known by some people or beginners / laymen in the world of fighting chickens. for those of you who are still beginners in this matter and do not yet know what the training is given by the fighting chickens, Following below, we will directly discuss How to Take Care of a Fighting Chicken :

♦ Tips on Caring for a Fighting Chicken Become Nimble and Agile
Prepare a small bird (can be a sparrow, church or other bird). if you can not search from nature, can buy at the nearest bird market from your residence.

Selanjutnya The next step is to slaughter the bird, then pull out the feathers until all the feathers of the fighting chicken are no longer visible.

Crush / destroy the bird’s body that has been cleaned from feathers with stones or other similar species that can destroy the body of the fighting chicken, how to crush it can be by wrapping the bird with cloth, then the cloth containing the bird is beaten to the bird’s body completely destroyed.

After breaking / breaking down the body of the bird you bought, you can give it to chickens that are less aggressive or dare not chicken, it is better to give the birds to crumble in the afternoon.

Rutin Give food routine as in fighting cocks / fighters that you have at least once a week.

See the results after one month, whether the chicken fighter you have can show aggressiveness when competing with other fighting chickens.

Do not forget and you must always remember, how to care for him starting from the first stage until entering the age of 6-month-old roosters, at the age of 6 months the chicken has grown up, so you can provide your own rooster training with special training exercises that can make a rooster the complaint becomes more aggressive.

No matter how good the fighting technique, no matter how hard the blow, and no matter how strong the Bangkok chicken we have, if he does not have a long breath, the possibility for him to be a champion chicken that always handles in every battle field, can be predicted there might not be.

Long chicken breath is the initial capital of strong stamina for fighting chickens to be able to give their best performance on every game journey. Without a long breath, the chicken will get tired easily. He will only fight beautifully at the beginning of the fight, and stumbled catching the opponent’s punch at the end of the game so that it will lose easily without resistance.

Read also : The Best Way to Train Bangkok Chicken

• Train Bangkok’s Chicken Breath
Realizing that long breath is the main capital for champion chickens, so on this occasion I will share my experience on how to practice Bangkok’s breath so that it is long and long-lasting.

I have proven these exercises and are more effective when applied in conjunction with the provision of bangkok chicken herbs for long breaths whose recipes I have discussed in the previous article. Well, here we go straight to discuss one by one how to train the breath of Bangkok chicken!

➢ 1. Running Exercise
The first way that can be done to train Bangkok chicken breath so long is to provide running training. Routine running exercises are very effective in building stamina as well as the breath of our fighting chickens.

This exercise is done with the help of untulan chicken. The trick is that Untul’s chickens are taken running to lure chickens who are trained to fight. After the trained chicken is brave, the untul chicken is pulled back so that the trained chicken is chasing it. The trainer may carry the chicken to run to be chased by the chicken to be trained. However, trainers must be careful not to get hit by pecks or punches from trained chickens.

I often experience, because they are too emotional due to not being able to touch the best chickens as anglers, the trained chickens also vent their emotions to the trainer. Usually the feet of people who carry untul will be beaten and beaten repeatedly.

➢ 2. Cliter
To facilitate running practice, we can also implement exercises that Javanese people usually call cliter. A kliter is a way to make a chicken run around a double cage in which it is fed with chicken. Chickens placed inside a cage can be pigeons or baboons, male chicks, or can be a candidate who is in the process of training.

Besides functioning to strengthen breathing, this exercise is also beneficial to strengthen leg muscles, courage, and enthusiasm. This cliter training can be passed by chickens between 1-2 hours every day.

➢ 3. Fight in the hot sun
Fighting exercises in the hot sun can also train chicken breathing. This is due to training in a rather extreme environment that will strengthen chicken stamina. If the breath is good when fighting in the hot sun, the chicken will not be surprised when included in the arena of action. His breathing will be good so that he won’t be wheezing while fighting.

Long exercise in the hot sun is about 15 minutes which is done once a week. Fighting is done with experienced chickens or other chickens who are also in the training process. However, if the chicken used is a spurred chicken, the spices should be wrapped so as not to hurt each other.

Before putting it in the sun, the chicken needs to be fed one handful of white rice, then it is bathed. After wiping, the two chickens are placed. Finished tossed, the chicken was bathed again and dried.

➢ 4. Swimming
Swimming training in chickens is actually more aimed at making chickens have a balance of muscles throughout their body. Nevertheless, in addition to these goals swimming training also provides several benefits. One of them is making chicken breath longer.

Swimming makes the chicken always try to regulate his breath so it is not easily sluggish and can move his body so it does not sink. If swimming exercises are done routinely 2 times a week, there will be many benefits that you can get.

Well, those are some ways to train the breath of chicken to be long and long lasting. Please apply the above techniques routinely so that your beloved chicken can have a long breath and strong stamina.

The Best Way to Train Bangkok Chicken The Best Way to Train Bangkok Chicken

Discussion About The Best Way to Train Bangkok Chicken Bangkok type fighting chickens are already very well known especially in areas of Indonesia today. Indonesian people really really admire this type of chicken fighters. For Bangkok chicken itself is usually referred to by the people of Indonesia as BK s128 chicken. Bangkok has been a very long time this belle in the area of ​​Indonesia.

That way, a lot of chicken enthusiasts who want the chicken to be a mainstay during the game. Because indeed most people see from the physical quality of the chicken. For the advantages of the Bangkok Chicken Best Cockfighting Chicken itself is most visible is in terms of the physical body that is on the chicken. For the physical quality that is in Bangkok chicken is indeed very good. Because it does look big and sturdy.

To see the quality of a good chicken, you can see the chicken first by looking at the physical body of the chicken. when you see the physical body of the chicken is good, or according to criteria, the chicken s128 has a good performance.

Besides having large bones, good chicken has good bone density too. That way, the chicken can be said to have a good playing performance on the s128 site later. To see the bones in the chicken we can hold it first to be able to ascertain the condition of the bones. In addition, you can also distinguish between other chickens. That way, you will later meet Bangkok quality chicken.

However, for the selling price of Bangkok chickens that already have a cross quality are sold at lower prices. Ie, around hundreds of thousands, we have been able to buy quality fighting chickens. For the quality that is given to chicken fighters at that price is indeed very far compared to the original chicken fighters. Because indeed for genuine quality fighter chickens it must go through various procedures to be able to bring it.

Moreover, for the time being there is also a great deal about Bangkok chicken which has a cross quality with local chickens. For the performance of the cross-bred chicken it will surely differ greatly from the original Bangkok chicken. because indeed for the price given to the chicken is very different. The original Bangkok chicken is sold at millions of rupiah to get the chicken.

To Make the Bangkok Chicken the Perfect Hero, the time and patience are the priority in caring for the fighting chickens such as bangkok chickens. The owner must train first on a regular basis, the same as his case with a boxer before he is really ready to get into the ring. The training is intended to make the champion strong, agile and more athletic in posture. Following below, we will directly discuss some of the Best Ways to Train Bangkok Chickens :

Bangkok chicken maintenance requires extra attention, namely physical exercise.
The physical training of the true athlete’s body is aimed at knowing how tough our roosters are. The state of the body that is always fit, makes the champion ready for combat at any time. Initial Training, enter your champion chicken into the training center when your champion chicken shows the part of maturity. For example, when you want to get close with the opposite sex. That period usually occurs at the age of 8-9 months. This is the right time to multiply the prospective hero.

Read also : How to Train and Type of Punch From Fighting Chickens

It means that he must be put in his own cage which is separate from other chickens. In the morning for two hours (8-9 hours) he is exposed to the warm sun. Young hero in the sun this morning should not wander around looking for food alone, especially looking for females. So he must be confined in the middle of the page. Then in the afternoon the hero is removed from the cage, and given a little freedom to move in a closed yard. Freedom that is only two hours, the hero must not be accompanied or at the same time with other chickens, especially females.

The initial stage is drying.
In the initial stage, the rooster is quite light training. This is because at that age the feathers are smooth, especially the feathers on the neck and tail. If you are pumped with a rather heavy training position, it is worried that it will be in pain and the fur is damaged. But not only in the sun, then there is a lack of additional strength of the body precisely by drying drying the breathing power of the heart work better and the body becomes athletic and contained.

Before drying the chicken, it must be bathed first. This wet body tries to dry itself by drying up water vaporization. This energy comes from carbohydrates as well as fat reserves that are behind the skin. That way the drying process will encourage roosters to reduce their fat content, of course the body is slim athletically.

A further level of exercise is striking.
hold the base of the tail, and lift the chicken up high, so that the head is hanging down. Treated like this, Sijago will flap his wings and struggle to move his legs. Let this happen for a minute or two. Then the chicken is lowered and let it rest for a while. If necessary, and the condition of his body allows, the exercise can be repeated several times interspersed with rest. Chickens began to be given motion exercises, although they were still limited to wing and leg movements. But this exercise will produce double results. In addition to training the strength of the legs and wings also trained breathing. Chickens for chickens usually in the afternoon, because in the morning it has been dried in the sun. Before practice begins, the chicken also needs to be swaddled again, given enough food, and released for a while. An hour later the practice of striking may begin.

Simple and practical training to train your big cock, if you want to do extra training, it is permissible, but don’t let your hero get tired and cause pain and fatigue.

How to Train and Type of Punch From Fighting Chickens How to Train and Type of Punch From Fighting Chickens

Discussion About How to Train and Type of Punch From Fighting Chickens Good fighting chickens are chickens that have special abilities when in the arena. That way, the process to have good quality in the arena of competition requires a long time and complicated training. If you don’t routinely care for chicken fighters, it will definitely be difficult to have good quality chicken. That way, make sure you know in advance about ways and also a good strategy for Caring for Fighting Chickens.

As is the case for training to attack and also to survive patarung chickens are very important. Assault owned by chickens is indeed an important thing for tough fighting chickens. That way, make sure you have to train in every movement of the chicken from attack and defense. Following below, we will directly discuss the How to Train and Type of Punch From Fighting Chickens :

On this occasion we will discuss about how to training chickens for defense. So it’s not just for the attacker who needs to be in the heart every day. But also from providing defense training if the chicken is attacked by an opponent. It would be very difficult if the chickens did not have a good defense strategy. It’s useless if he has a good quality game but his defense is bad.

The first stage of your training is to take care of the chicken food we provide every day. If we have chickens that are fulfilled in terms of nutrition and vitamins that are in the body, then the chicken will have a good performance. Different when chickens lack of vitamins or malnutrition. It’s very difficult to be given training or have a good game.

For suitable food given to chicken fighters are foods that contain lots of nutrients and also protein. It’s like giving corn and brown rice to fight hens. Giving corn has benefits that are very good for the body of the chicken. Because in corn there is a very high protein for the chicken’s body. Giving brown rice will also improve the quality of fighting chickens.

In brown rice also contains lots of protein which is very useful for adding energy to chicken. It also functions also to provide additional immunity to the chicken body so it is not easily affected by disease. Then we can only provide movement training to chicken fighters.

For the most important movement in dealing with opponents in the arena of competition is the movement to run. Running movements that exist in this chicken fighter need to be trained in order to have agile movements. If a chicken has agile movements, then it is very difficult to be attacked by opponents. Next is to train all leg muscles and also chicken wings. Because for protection from enemy attacks, the most often used is from the wings and the number of chicken feet.

For chicken leg training we can provide training using chicken barbells. The method is indeed very easy, we just need to buy a barbell device which is specifically for chickens. At present there are also many sellers of barbells for fighting chickens. Next is the running exercise by moving the chicken’s body until the foot touches the ground. To train these chicken wings a little complicated. In addition we also need patience to train chicken wings.

Read also : Various Types of Best Fighting Chickens

Namely with How to Flap the Chicken Wings Every morning and examine if there is damaged hair we pull. This is so that other good hair growth. If the feathers on the chicken, especially on the chicken wings are good, it will be maximized when in the competition arena.

There are several advantages and disadvantages to the fighting style of Bangkok chicken, sometimes it can be trained early, but in general the fighting technique in chickens can be seen at the age of 2 weeks.

For that, before we start training, we must first know the advantages and disadvantages of fighting fighting deadly Bangkok cockfighting. Types of fighting strategies on fighting chickens in general are fighting shamo, control, ngalung or key, fighting style brangkot, and finally there are fighting fighting strategies.

• Fight the Atret Chicken
Fighting chickens with atret techniques are usually owned by burmese chickens and other chickens that have offspring from the blood of burmese chickens. Type of fighting chicken atret is currently a new trend in the world of cock spurs, because the style of atret chickens usually likes to play from the front and step back by throwing the spur. Chicken Bangkok fighting with this technique technique is very accurate and easy to blind the opponent.

• Fighting Brangkot Chicken
Rooster technique or better known as macul (only in some areas of Indonesia who know this type of fighting). Fighting style can be seen when the bangkok chicken performs force like macul and active in hitting the opponent’s body. This type of fighting one is not too often used by bebotoh and cock fighters, because bangkok chickens only focus on hitting without protecting themselves. Rooster chicken will drain energy and make chicken Bangkok easily tired.

• Fight Ngalung / Key
Type of fighting ngalung is the best chicken fighting technique and has been favored by bebotoh when following a cockfighting bet. One of the characteristics that can be known as fighting over with the head and body burdened to his opponent. The advantage of using this style, the opponent will drain more energy and become frustrated. So even with our Bangkok chicken, it will be easy to win the cockfighting match.

• Control / Domination Fighting
Tarung which is owned by chickens who often play the top. His head was erect, taller than the opponent’s cock. Chicken control techniques in defense is to control every movement of the opponent’s chicken head. He will continue to follow the movements of opponents who usually surround his body. The advantage of a chicken with this type of defense is its durable stamina until the age match.

• Fight Shamo.
This style is a typical fighting technique owned by Shamo chicken from Japan. Shamo technique is a combination of thrust and accurate stroke techniques. Chicken with this technique will squeeze his opponent until the position is squeezed. Once there is a good chance, the chicken will fly and direct the hammer and claws to the chicken’s head. With just one hit, chicken with the Shamo technique can sometimes make the opponent brain fail and sprawl.

You can watch all of the above beats directly in the S128 cockfight online with a computer or smartphone, both Android and iOS versions. But please register yourself first by going through one of the official online S128 agents. Good luck, happy playing and good luck.

Various Types of Best Fighting Chickens Various Types of Best Fighting Chickens

Discussion About Various Types of Best Fighting Chickens Culture for cockfighting is an ancestral culture in Indonesia, many of our ancestors have practiced this tradition from time immemorial. Having a guang chicken that gaco can be a special satisfaction, especially if you maintain the chicken from the ingredients and you train it to be an extraordinarily strong chicken.

Unfortunately there are still many players who use this fighting chicken as a means of gambling, in Indonesia alone cockfighting or chicken gambling is included in the crime.

Currently the most popular Aduan chicken is Bangkok Chicken, but in fact many other types of Aduan chicken are no less popular.

Their uniqueness and ability is no less than Bangkok’s Chicken. Most come from Asian countries such as Thailand, Burma, Brazil, Vietnam and Japan. Following below we directly discuss the Various Types of the Best Fighting Chickens :

• Bangkok Chicken
Occupying the first position of other types of chickens Complaints are Bangkok chickens originating from Thailand. First introduced by many cockfighting players in Tuban, East Java. Yep, this chicken is the most familiar in the ears of the Indonesian people, especially among fans of the Chicken Aduan.

Bangkok chicken is not like other chickens, the spread of chickens is very fast, in Indonesia it is very easy to find a Bangkok chicken. In addition, the price of bangkok chicken is not too high like other types of grievances except for bangkok jawara or have achievements, the price of bangkok jawara chicken is higher than usual.

• Brazilian Chicken
As the name implies, this chicken originated from Brazil, its popularity is quite high. This chicken is one of the descendants of Shamo chickens originating from Japan, then with the passage of time this chicken was then bred in the South American Archipelago.

Bangkok Chicken is known as a true complaint, not only fast and strong on the fighting arena, Bangkok chicken is also considered the most brain or smartest chicken when in the battle arena in terms of finding effective ways to knock down opponents.

This chicken has a distinctive feather color that is yellowish brown. From the shape of the chicken posture is almost the same as a pelung chicken that has a big tall body.

This type of Brazilian chicken is famous for its agile and intelligent fighting style. Chicken lovers in Indonesia are willing to spend money to have Brazilian chickens. Not only good at dancing on the cockfighting arena, but also good at flinging opponents with an unexpected blow speed.

• Burmese Chicken
Burmese chicken or Burmese chicken is a type of complaint chicken originating from Myanmar. Also known as a true complaint chicken that does not know fear. When fighting, the Burmese Chicken have an extraordinary passion to win the fight. Has a fighting style that is so offensive and Full Attack, attacking and attacking directly at the opponent.

His Full Attack fighting style is accompanied by a high accuracy of punch which makes this chicken a Full Speed ​​chicken. However, the shape and size of a small Burmese chicken 2 -2.5 kg, the bones are also small and thin. It’s incomplete if you don’t have a rooster from Brazil as one of the valuable collections.

Bulging eyes, smaller beak, less muscular face and body. Fur color is generally the color of undercooked maturity. Body more feathers, thick and long wing feathers. 100% authentic Burmese chickens still have white markings on their ears, as proof that the chicken is a type of wild chicken.

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• Shamo Chicken
Chicken Shamo originates from Japan, also known by the nickname “Mini Ninja from Japan”. It is called so because Shamo chicken is known as a fast moving chicken and has an extremely accurate blow on its opponent and is deadly.

Although in the nickname of the Ninja Mini, don’t be fooled, compared to other grievances, Shamo’s most athletic physical form, a tall, well-built posture can hold up to 95 degrees when standing.

Not infrequently this chicken is able to weigh 4 -7 kg, making it a complaint with the heaviest chicken posture and can only be matched with chickens of the same size.

Physical characteristics: have a triple comb (walnutcomb), bright eyes, large beak and strong. The wing tips are slightly out of the body, the wing joints are clearly pointing upward, the muscular thighs are strong and clearly visible.

Bulging shoulders and short strong wings pointing down. Red skin on the chest that does not have much hair and has a broad chest.

Horizontal tail line, in the direction of the back or between the back lines. The color of the calf hair is yellow or yellow with black patches for chickens with black domination. Weight of male chickens around 5.6 kg and females around 4.8 kg.

• Balinese Chicken
Balinese chicken is also known as Olagan chicken. This chicken comes from the island of Bali. The male can be raised to be used as a fighting cock.

Whereas hens can be used as egg producers with high egg production. According to information, this Balinese chicken male is less formidable in complaints, often if he has been hit by an opponent he often evades as he will run away.

But the blow is not inferior to fighting chickens like Bangkok chicken and Burma chicken. The advantage of Balinese / Olagan chickens is that they are more resistant to disease than native chickens.

For now the Bali chicken population is reported to continue to decline this is due to Balinese citizens not using it for use in offering ceremonies, so it is rarely maintained.

• Ciparage Chicken
Ciparage chicken is a native Indonesian Aduan chicken which originates from the Cimalaya village, Ciparage Karawang.

However, this chicken has been very difficult to find or endangered, as a result the Rooster chickens that developed in Indonesia were replaced with Bangkok chickens from Thailand.

The original color of this type of chicken is not much different from Bangkok chicken consisting of yellow (golden), black, brown, white.

Formerly this type of chicken is famous as a tough chicken in the arena of complaint. High posture, slender with strong legs and spikes sticking out pointed, awkward knock down the opponent in a relatively short time.

Characteristics of Ciparage chickens: Body size is smaller than Bangkok chicken weighing around 2.5 kg. Single comb, blades, small, pale red jagged. Pair of wattles and small ear lobes with a pale red color too. Round head. The eyes protruded slightly, sharply fiery.

Short beak, sturdy, pale yellow color. Chest field with short and hard body hair. Strong wing bones, stick tight to the body. Curved long tail feathers. Feet slightly curved, yellowish white.

Pale yellow soles. Large long, curved spurs, sharp yellowish white. Its very aggressive. Produces eggs 10-14 eggs per period.