Information Regarding Online Gambling Games

How to Play Poker Online Very Basic

How to Play Poker Online Very Basic – Of course there will be many best ways that can be done to be able to get important benefits that have been really waiting to be able to get a lot of bonus playing bonuses and are also very superior to play. Why can poker games become one of the most popular and fun to play. the excitement of playing poker where there are strategies and tactics in the game when facing other players. For those of you who are beginners and want to try to play, first learn how to play poker online from this article.

How to Play Poker Online Very Basic

Easy Basic Guide How to Play Poker Online
This poker game is played with 1 pack of playing cards totaling 52 cards and is played by a minimum of 2 players and a maximum of 7 players. Each player at the beginning of the game will get 2 cards that are face down. Next, players will compete cards by having to get the highest combination in the poker game.

Well, of course the most basic of how to play online poker is a combination that you need to remember. The combination is as follows:

Pair is the lowest card combination. Where out of 5 cards there are 2 cards of the same value. Example: Have 2 cards worth “5”.
Two Pair is the second lowest card combination where from 5 cards there are 2 pairs of cards of the same value.
Example: Have 2 cards worth “5” and 2 cards worth “7”.Three of a kind is a combination of three cards of the same value.
Example: Have 3 cards worth “5”.
Straight is a combination of 5 cards of consecutive value.
Example: Having a card worth 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6.
Flush a combination of 5 cards with the same motif but not in sequence.
Example: Having a card worth 5 – Q – J – 9 – 6 (Spades).
Full House is a combination of cards with 3 cards of the same value and 2 cards of the same value.
Example: Having a card worth 5 – 5 – 5 – 8 – 8.
Four of a Kind is a combination of cards with 4 cards of the same value.
Example: Having a card worth 5 – 5 – 5 – 5
Straight Flush is 5 cards with combinations that are sequential in value and have the same symbol.
Example: Having a card worth 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 (Spades).
Royal Flush is the highest card combination in online poker games.
Example of a Royal Flush Card: 10 – J – Q – K – Ace (Spades).
For beginners in playing poker, you should first remember the poker combinations above. The rest you need to do is start playing and hone your skills.

Online Poker Table Game System
Let’s continue for the online poker table game system after the player gets 2 cards that are dealt face down. Players are given the opportunity to check the cards they get for 15 seconds. After checking they are given several options as follows:

Check = this chooses to continue betting but not increase the bet.
Raise = this chooses to continue the bet and raise the desired bet
All in = while for this choose to continue betting by betting all the money brought at the online poker table
Fold = while this chooses to close the card and not continue betting


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