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How to Train and Type of Punch From Fighting Chickens

Discussion About How to Train and Type of Punch From Fighting Chickens Good fighting chickens are chickens that have special abilities when in the arena. That way, the process to have good quality in the arena of competition requires a long time and complicated training. If you don’t routinely care for chicken fighters, it will definitely be difficult to have good quality chicken. That way, make sure you know in advance about ways and also a good strategy for Caring for Fighting Chickens.

As is the case for training to attack and also to survive patarung chickens are very important. Assault owned by chickens is indeed an important thing for tough fighting chickens. That way, make sure you have to train in every movement of the chicken from attack and defense. Following below, we will directly discuss the How to Train and Type of Punch From Fighting Chickens :

On this occasion we will discuss about how to training chickens for defense. So it’s not just for the attacker who needs to be in the heart every day. But also from providing defense training if the chicken is attacked by an opponent. It would be very difficult if the chickens did not have a good defense strategy. It’s useless if he has a good quality game but his defense is bad.

The first stage of your training is to take care of the chicken food we provide every day. If we have chickens that are fulfilled in terms of nutrition and vitamins that are in the body, then the chicken will have a good performance. Different when chickens lack of vitamins or malnutrition. It’s very difficult to be given training or have a good game.

For suitable food given to chicken fighters are foods that contain lots of nutrients and also protein. It’s like giving corn and brown rice to fight hens. Giving corn has benefits that are very good for the body of the chicken. Because in corn there is a very high protein for the chicken’s body. Giving brown rice will also improve the quality of fighting chickens.

In brown rice also contains lots of protein which is very useful for adding energy to chicken. It also functions also to provide additional immunity to the chicken body so it is not easily affected by disease. Then we can only provide movement training to chicken fighters.

For the most important movement in dealing with opponents in the arena of competition is the movement to run. Running movements that exist in this chicken fighter need to be trained in order to have agile movements. If a chicken has agile movements, then it is very difficult to be attacked by opponents. Next is to train all leg muscles and also chicken wings. Because for protection from enemy attacks, the most often used is from the wings and the number of chicken feet.

For chicken leg training we can provide training using chicken barbells. The method is indeed very easy, we just need to buy a barbell device which is specifically for chickens. At present there are also many sellers of barbells for fighting chickens. Next is the running exercise by moving the chicken’s body until the foot touches the ground. To train these chicken wings a little complicated. In addition we also need patience to train chicken wings.

Read also : Various Types of Best Fighting Chickens

Namely with How to Flap the Chicken Wings Every morning and examine if there is damaged hair we pull. This is so that other good hair growth. If the feathers on the chicken, especially on the chicken wings are good, it will be maximized when in the competition arena.

There are several advantages and disadvantages to the fighting style of Bangkok chicken, sometimes it can be trained early, but in general the fighting technique in chickens can be seen at the age of 2 weeks.

For that, before we start training, we must first know the advantages and disadvantages of fighting fighting deadly Bangkok cockfighting. Types of fighting strategies on fighting chickens in general are fighting shamo, control, ngalung or key, fighting style brangkot, and finally there are fighting fighting strategies.

• Fight the Atret Chicken
Fighting chickens with atret techniques are usually owned by burmese chickens and other chickens that have offspring from the blood of burmese chickens. Type of fighting chicken atret is currently a new trend in the world of cock spurs, because the style of atret chickens usually likes to play from the front and step back by throwing the spur. Chicken Bangkok fighting with this technique technique is very accurate and easy to blind the opponent.

• Fighting Brangkot Chicken
Rooster technique or better known as macul (only in some areas of Indonesia who know this type of fighting). Fighting style can be seen when the bangkok chicken performs force like macul and active in hitting the opponent’s body. This type of fighting one is not too often used by bebotoh and cock fighters, because bangkok chickens only focus on hitting without protecting themselves. Rooster chicken will drain energy and make chicken Bangkok easily tired.

• Fight Ngalung / Key
Type of fighting ngalung is the best chicken fighting technique and has been favored by bebotoh when following a cockfighting bet. One of the characteristics that can be known as fighting over with the head and body burdened to his opponent. The advantage of using this style, the opponent will drain more energy and become frustrated. So even with our Bangkok chicken, it will be easy to win the cockfighting match.

• Control / Domination Fighting
Tarung which is owned by chickens who often play the top. His head was erect, taller than the opponent’s cock. Chicken control techniques in defense is to control every movement of the opponent’s chicken head. He will continue to follow the movements of opponents who usually surround his body. The advantage of a chicken with this type of defense is its durable stamina until the age match.

• Fight Shamo.
This style is a typical fighting technique owned by Shamo chicken from Japan. Shamo technique is a combination of thrust and accurate stroke techniques. Chicken with this technique will squeeze his opponent until the position is squeezed. Once there is a good chance, the chicken will fly and direct the hammer and claws to the chicken’s head. With just one hit, chicken with the Shamo technique can sometimes make the opponent brain fail and sprawl.

You can watch all of the above beats directly in the S128 cockfight online with a computer or smartphone, both Android and iOS versions. But please register yourself first by going through one of the official online S128 agents. Good luck, happy playing and good luck.


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